2009 - Feasibility Study
Local resident and retired nurse Marie Wood writes to local, state and federal politicians calling for Lurline street trees. She does so more than once. She enlists the support of Councillor Teri Hamilton and of the Katoomba Chamber. In response and on staff recommendation, the Council undertakes a Lurline Street Tree Planting Feasibility Study.
The Feasibility Study by Council’s senior urban landscaper Susan Bell endorses street tree-planting while recommending a whole-of-precinct upgrade and undergrounding of power lines as essential precursors. It proposes that the street tree planting start at the bottom of the town centre at the junction of Waratah and Lurline Streets and run 1.4km to the junction with Birdwood Avenue. This is later extended one block to Forster Road junction from where there is already underground power and tree planting to Echo Point. There is also underground power at the top end from the Waratah Street junction up through Katoomba town centre.
The Feasibility Study is presented to the Council meeting in November 2009. The summary report notes that:
“There is already an identified need to undertake major infrastructure renewal within this section of Lurline Street. The road infrastructure i.e. roads, paths and kerbs and guttering requires significant repair and/or renewal in the short to medium term. This maintenance work would normally be included in the capital works program.
“There exists an opportunity for the Council to adopt a whole-of-precinct approach to renewal of the infrastructure and to prepare an integrated design which coordinates streetscape improvements such as tree planting, footpath treatments, furniture, stormwater drainage maximising Water Sensitive Urban Design and necessary road infrastructure renewal. This would achieve a significantly higher standard of presentation for the public domain than presently exists, or could be achieved with tree planting alone.” 10 Nov 2009 Blue Mountains City Council, Item 21.
At the meeting, the councillors resolve that Council will develop a “comprehensive plan for the public domain in Lurline Street” for consideration in Council’s 10-year Resourcing Strategy. Grant opportunities are also to be investigated.